
Call For KY 2018

 by Naomi Penner

! Call List 4/23!
LRC MESSAGE LINE: 1-800-372-7181
Hours: M-Th 7am-9pm, F 7-5

Tell Governor Bevin to VETO:
HB 169 (youth incarceration bill)
+ HB 274 (reduces request time for absentee ballot)
+ HB 302 (kills government transparency)

+ HB 97 (changes candidate filing deadline to 1st Friday in Jan. to last Tues. = less time)
+ HB 193 (HIV criminalization bill)

Main office: 502-564-2611
Text: "RESIST" to 50409 (Resistbot) to send a Fax
Tweet: @GovMattBevin

These calls MATTER - they turn into 'green slips' that your legislator can literally hold up to show 'your' support for an issue.

Stay tuned! Make sure to follow along and share with the hashtag: #kyga18