
Candidate Spotlight: Nima Kulkarni - Democratic Candidate for State Representative District 40

Candidate Spotlight
 Nima Kulkarni
 Democratic Candidate for State Representative District 40

About Nima:

"My family and I moved to Louisville from India when I was six years old. We moved here primarily because of the DePaul School, where my brother could receive the special education that was not available to him in India. My parents chose to leave a comfortable life there so that my brother and I would have every opportunity, regardless of my brother’s learning disability or my gender. We learned firsthand that you can be what you want to be, through hard work and belief in yourself. My childhood embodied the American Dream.
But we also learned the importance of compassion and community. Not able to find a job back then, my parents began operating a small corner grocery store named 8 To 8 in the heart of Germantown. I don’t remember being scared or feeling different. I do remember how welcoming our neighbors were, how they nicknamed my parents Sam and Sue when they were unable to pronounce my parents’ full names and giving my brother and I a nickel or a quarter when we delivered groceries to their homes.

I also remember my father saying later about this time in our lives, that no matter how scary or unpredictable things got, he always found that whenever we needed help the most, someone would be there to step up. This instilled in me the vital importance of community support, kindness, and paying it forward. My family remembers the support of our neighbors in the beginning, and we have always found ways to give back.

In May, I won a difficult primary election against a 20-year incumbent and two other challengers. I am honored to have earned the trust of so many voters in my district, and am committed to bringing an informed, progressive voice to our state legislature. Elected office is a public service, for the people. Over the years, I have seen how much our city has changed and progressed. I am here to represent that change and ensure that the people in my community have the strong voice that they need in our government."

Q: Why are you running? 

I am running for State Representative so that the citizens in my district and throughout Kentucky have a strong voice in Frankfort that will represent their voices and concerns. In May, I won a difficult primary election against a 20-year incumbent by going door-to-door and speaking with voters in my district. Knowing that I was there to listen to them and answer their questions was why they voted for me, and it is the reason I will work hard to honor their trust in me as their State Representative.

Q: With everything that has been going on locally and in our nation, how would you encourage people, especially in your district, to stay positive and to not give up?

Despite the current political climate in our country, I am encouraged by the renewed engagement, commitment, and solidarity that we are seeing with regard to the political process, especially among younger voters. I think people had forgotten just how important their votes are, and it certainly inspires me and gives me hope that no matter what obstacles and drawbacks we experience, we can work to move Kentucky and our country forward if we make our voices heard in the voting booth.

Q: What goals to you hope to accomplish either if you are elected? 
My top priorities as State Representative will be protecting public education, ensuring living wage jobs for our citizens, supporting organized labor, and establishing new revenue streams so that vital public services are not eliminated in the name of cost-cutting. Our legislators repeatedly enact policies that reward corporations and the wealthiest Kentuckians, mainly by passing that burden on to our working families. We need policies in Frankfort that help our children, working families and communities thrive, and that will be my goal as State Representative.

If you would like to know more about Nima or help with her campaign, please visit her website or Facebook page.