
TWW - Louisville Member Spotlight "Racial Justice" - Meet Toya

interviewed by Amy Merrick 

My name is Toya. I am a mother, wife, and concerned citizen. 

When did you join the Together We Will group?   
I think right after the election. I was first in the Pantsuit Nation, and then joined the local movement. 
How has your life and/or thoughts changed since the election on November 8?  
This is an interesting question. The election actually confirmed many thoughts and feelings that I had before the election. That a large number of American’s believe that this country should only be for a certain “segment” of the population. That segment is White, Male, and Christian. I find it fascinating that a number of White Women seem to hold that same belief. I think Jim Crow is still alive and well and has done its job, to separate the classes. To have the poor white people think they are more superior then even the most highly educated successful person of color. My life hasn’t changed since the election. This is nothing new for me. I am a black woman in American. I have always faced a certain opposition to my existence. So I operate as I always do, pushing forward. 
How are you feeling? 
It depends on the day. I am an empath so I feel everyone's pain, joy, sadness, anger. I internalize it and at times it is too much. Those days I have to retreat and step away from everyone and everything until I’m able to release it and get centered. Then I have days were I am cautiously optimistic. Then days were I choose to take a break and just enjoy being alive.
What are your top 3 concerns post election?
Education. I have a son who is dyslexic and we depend greatly on having the special provisions for him in school. I have fought the school for 3 years to make sure he has the tools he needs so the thought of that no longer being protected and provided is a great deal of concern. I have even considered home schooling. The ACA repeal and replace is also high on my list. Mine and my husband’s jobs are directly tied to the ACA. If it goes so does our jobs and our ability to provide for our families. This is an aspect that I don’t think people think about when it comes to the repeal. There were a lot of jobs created to handle the new demand that the ACA created. Thousands of people could lose their livelihoods but that doesn’t seem to be of any concern to anyone. And lastly the hateful division of “Us” versus “Them.” Targeting of certain groups based on fear is how dictators work and we seem to be buying into it. I don’t understand how we can be so educated and advanced and yet we are still stuck in the past. We are charging full steam ahead backwards and people are cheering for it. I had someone tell me they were scared of my Aunt because she is a Muslim. She is an African American who switched to Islam in her 20’s. She is a professor and holds 4 degrees. She is one of the most peaceful women I know. In fact in my 38 years I don’t think I have ever once heard her raise her voice in anger. And yet because she is Muslim this person was scared of her. Yet we are just supposed to accept these home grown terrorist that shot up and bomb business, churches, and schools. But they don’t count because they are White men. I am honestly more scared of a young white male coming to my kid’s school and shooting up the place because some girl rejected him, or his parents didn’t show him enough love over being attacked by a Muslim. 
How have you managed stress during and since the election?   
I meditate and do yoga. This is my life saver. I teach a dance fitness class. And I just really try to live day by day. Moment by moment.

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