
Coffee Break Activism - 5/30

Coffee Break Activism:
by Naomi Penner

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."Margaret Mead

1) Your neighborhood lacking sidewalks and affordable housing? Would you like less money invested in LMPD and more in eliminating food deserts? Get involved in the city budget process. Mayor Fischer's 2017-18 budget proposal is in review by Metro Council until June 30th.

Here's how to take action:

2) On May 14th, a national group of “Anti-Abortion” extremists called Operation Save America (OSA) verbally and physically harassed patients while they tried to keep appointments at the last abortion clinic in the state, EMW.

Call your Metro Councilperson and tell them:
"We must protect the EMW Women's Surgical Center from dangerous extremists - please create a 20 ft. safety zone now!"

More info here:

3) If you care about clean air and your fellow low-income, Black, and Brown neighbors who live near corporate polluters, please speak out against the efforts of the American Synthetic Rubber Company, who are trying to get the city government to support them in lowering pollution standards.

Call/write a letter to the Mayor using this sample message:

"I am asking Mayor Fischer to deny the request for lower pollution standards by the American Synthetic Rubber company. We need to send a message that the lives of low income, Black, and Brown people matter."Learn more about the proposal:

Councilman Bill Hollander (District 9) has proposed a new tree ordinance, which would protect Louisville's trees. More trees equals better air quality, lowered heating and cooling costs, and improved quality of life. Contact your council person or the full council here:

Sample message:
"I support Councilman Hollander's tree ordinance. We are losing trees at an alarming rate and our temperatures are rising. Trees not only help regulate temperature, but lower heating and cooling costs, clean the air, and improve quality of life. Please invest in the environmental well-being of the city and the people. Support the tree ordinance."

5) The FCC voted 2-1 in favor of dismantling net neutrality rules. This would remove government regulation of ISPS (Internet Service Providers) and give corporations total control over the internet - great for corporations but not for consumers. The FCC is open to comments until August 16th. Leave at comment:,DESC

Sample message:
"I oppose the dismantling of net neutrality. It does more to help corporations, and less to help the people. The Internet should be fair for all and not sold to the highest bidder. Please reconsider your recent vote. Keep net neutrality." 

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