
TWW Louisville Member Spotlight - You?!

Member Spotlight

You!? - Could you be a challenger?!

As of right now, 13 of 19 Republican State Senate seats are going unchallenged.
Three of them are in the Jefferson County area.

District 26

District 36

District 38

We need challengers in statewide
Senate Districts
 2, 6, 8, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 26, 30, 34, 36, and 38.
Could you or someone you know be that challenger?

Running for local office is scary, but there are more resources available than ever before.
This article lists almost a dozen organizations offering candidate training.

There are also new organizations raising money for progressive candidates.
Swing Left alone has raised over $3 million so far for the eventual winner of certain district primaries. There are grassroots organizations like Postcards to Voters, which has thousands of volunteers all over the country writing hundreds of thousands of postcards supporting candidates for everything from local school board to state senate. There’s never been a better time to run.

The deadline to file is January 30, 2018 so get started today!

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