
John's Progressive Perspective

by John Sutton

Did You Know, You will be voting on brand new voting machines in all 623 Jefferson County KY voting precincts in 2018 ??

The new voting machines replace equipment that was nearly two decades old, they are federally certified, produce voter-verifiable paper audits, and should provide a smoother voting experience.

Probably the first change you will notice is that you will use an ink pen to mark your ballot instead of a pencil.

The second thing you will notice is the new “DS 200” tabulators, where all ballots will now be placed, look like big black recycling bins (maybe not a good comparison😇) with a video display monitor that confirms when a paper ballot has been cast. 

The third thing is anyone with disabilities will use the new “Express Vote”. Voters with disabilities will see a digitized version of the questionnaire and use the touch-screen to make their selections.  This makes it easier for people who may have disabilities to make their choice. Once their questionnaire is completed, the machine will print it out and they drop their ballot into the new “DS 200” tabulators where all ballots will now be placed.

The new machines are secure from tampering in that they are not connected to the Internet in any way, and hard copy ballots are secured and maintained for all votes that are cast.

New voting equipment is nice, however, it’s up to each of us to exercise our right to vote and to encourage our like-minded progressive friends and family to do the same.

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