
"Ten Minutes is better than Zero" Member Spotlight: Donna

“Ten minutes could be a phone call, a postcard etc. We can all do something--big or small. All of those ‘somethings’ can have a big impact on what happens in the future.”

Member Spotlight Donna

Donna is a native Canadian and a biostatistician working on cancer research. Having grown up with universal healthcare and now working in medical research, she thinks America’s healthcare system could take a page from Canada’s book.

After being a member of the support team for the Hillary Clinton-KY headquarters in Louisville, Donna joined TWW Louisville when we were still Pantsuit Nation, and even went to vote in a pantsuit. Like the rest of us, she was devastated by the election results, and decided she needed to be more active.

Donna is part of a fitness group which has the mantra “ten minutes is better than zero”. She likes to apply that to activism as well. “Ten minutes could be a phone call, a postcard etc. We can all do something--big or small. All of those ‘somethings’ can have a big impact on what happens in the future.”

From distributing hand knit hats for the Women’s March, to lending the seed money for TWW’s most successful fundraiser, to helping organize Data Parties for the Louisville Democrats, Donna has been a leader. She really shines in organizing introverts and has collected a squad of shy folks which meets at her home to write postcards to voters. This squad has written thousands of postcards encouraging people to vote for Democratic candidates all over the country. Next on their agenda is focusing on local candidates.

Participants in Donna’s postcard parties can expect excellent company, good food and drinks, and a huge sense of accomplishment. Sometimes there are even party favors! If you would like to join a squad of amazing people saving democracy one postcard at a time, message TWW and we will get you connected to Donna. And if postcards aren’t your thing, you can do something different, as long as you do something. Ten minutes is better than zero. 


Candidate Spotlight: Josie Raymond - Democratic Candidate for State Representative District 31

Candidate Spotlight 
Josie Raymond  
Democratic Candidate for State Representative District 31

About Josie:

District 31 includes Hikes Point and Jeffersontown in Louisville. Josie is running to succeed Rep. Steve Riggs, who has held the seat since he was elected in 1990. She has dedicated her career to creating opportunities, particularly pathways to education, for people in poverty. In her current role in Student Success at the University of Louisville, Josie is responsible for making sure thousands of students have the best shot at graduating. 

Q: Why are you running?

I grew up here in District 31 in a family that sometimes struggled, but we got a ton of support - from family, community, and the government. I'm running now because I've dedicated my career to poor people and anti-poverty work and I see the supports that took me from free lunch to the Ivy League under attack and the people who rely on them demeaned, and I don't see enough legislators standing up to fight it.

Q: What is the most important topic/issue to you personally?

Here's what amounts to basic human decency and makes economic sense: invest in people. As an educator, and with a 2-year-old and a 4-year-old, I know the value of quality early childhood options. Doing anti-poverty work, I know that universal pre-K in Kentucky would be an effective two- and three-generation approach to poverty that creates jobs and allows parents to study and work while their children get prepared for kindergarten. 

Q: With everything that has been going on locally and, in our nation,, how would you encourage people, especially in your district, to stay positive and to not give up?

I knock on doors a few days a week, and it has amazed me how open people are. When someone shares her concerns, I often tell her, "You are not alone" and watch her visibly exhale. This is the year we band together - women, parents, young people, LGBT people, people of color, educators, laborers, immigrants - and say, we have worked too hard for too long to get what we've got, and we will not go backward. This is going to be a good year.

For more information about Josie Raymond, please visit her website: www.josieraymond.com


Candidate Spotlight: Dr. Karen Berg - Democratic Candidate for State Senate District 26

Candidate Spotlight
Dr. Karen Berg
  Democratic Candidate for State Senate District 26

About Karen:

Dr. Karen Berg has been a physician in Louisville for 31 years.   In 2017, Dr. Berg semi-retired from practicing diagnostic radiology and decided to focus on running for public office. She believes that people of good will and integrity should step up and make change in Frankfort, and she will be a powerful voice for change in the Commonwealth. She believes that all people deserve access to affordable healthcare, high-quality education, and fairness.

Q: What goals do you hope to accomplish either if you are elected?

I have several goals in mind that I believe will move Kentucky forward:
I am committed to exploring new revenue-generating options, such as legalizing marijuana and expanded gaming, to fully fund our pension deficit, support our teachers and public employees, and improve access to high quality public education in Kentucky.  
I want to provide affordable, quality healthcare to all citizens.  This includes protecting the Medicaid expansion that occurred under Gov. Beshear.  
I believe we should institute a statewide Fairness ordinance to ensure that all Kentucky residents are treated equally under the law and to help attract new business to our state.
I support common-sense gun legislation, including expanded background checks, required licensing and registration for all firearms, and mandatory waiting periods.

Q: Why should Kentuckians vote for you over your opponent?

My opponent is a 23-year Republican incumbent who has an A rating from the NRA, did not support our teachers in the last legislative session, supports dismantling the Medicaid expansion, strongly opposes a woman’s right to choose, and has voted against expanded gaming.  He has also refused on several occasions to meet with his LGBTQ constituents and our state’s teachers.  I plan to replace him in November.

Q: The federal judge recently ruled that Kentucky cannot require certain Medicaid recipients to get jobs or lose their benefits. There is talk that the governor will eliminate Medicaid expansion. If you had your way, what would Kentucky's future healthcare/Medicaid program look like?

The Medicaid expansion that occurred under Gov. Beshear is one of the most positive, progressive steps that Kentucky has taken in recent history.  As a practicing physician for over 30 years, I have seen the tremendous positive impact that the Medicaid expansion has brought to the people of the Commonwealth.  All citizens have the right to affordable healthcare.

Q: Why are you running?

Our democracy is in danger.  People of good will need to stand up and become voices for positive, progressive change in our Commonwealth.  I will be that voice.

For more information about Dr. Karen Berg, please visit her website: www.karenforkentucky.com

Candidate Spotlight: Tina Bojanowski - Democratic Candidate for State Representative District 32

Candidate Spotlight
Tina Bojanowski
Democratic Candidate for State Representative District 32

About Tina:

“Tina Bojanowski is a proud Mom of three children, including Brandon, who was diagnosed with autism at age two. Providing the medical care for Brandon was a tremendous struggle for Tina and her family. Today, while Brandon is thriving, Tina’s experience shaped her belief that the government and private sector must work together to ensure that everyone can access affordable health care. Tina Bojanowski is a certified special education teacher who works with students who have learning and behavioral disorders such as autism. A fierce advocate for her students and their families, she ensures parents have the information and resources they need to raise their kids.  She sits on the Board of Directors of the Jefferson County Teachers Association as well as on the Board of the National Alliance for Mental Illness Kentucky.  Her passion for advocacy has extended from the classroom into the community.”

Q: Why are you running?

I am running to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard and considered in Frankfort.  I’m gravely concerned about the impact of outside interests on our Commonwealth, as well as with the process being used to push through legislation without granting sufficient time for the public to consider the legislation – and not even allowing the legislators to read the legislation before being forced to vote on it!

Q: What is the most important topic/issue to you personally?

The most important topic for me personally is education.  I believe that a strong public education is the foundation of our society.  The issue that brought me to state-level politics is the emphasis on high-stakes standardized testing.  I envision a revamped Kentucky Education Reform Act to ensure that our children are offered the best education possible.  The main issue is that what is measured is what matters.  However, when we focus on test scores, we are not considering the whole child.  Our most at-risk students come to school with significant issues, including trauma, mental health issues, and the impact of living in poverty.  I plan to support research-based legislation to meet the needs of every child in our Commonwealth.

Q: What neighborhood do you live in? What are your favorite places or things to do in your town?

I have lived in District 32 for most of my life.  I grew up on Cardwell Way off of Taylorsville Rd. and I now live in St. Matthews.  I enjoy exercising in Brown Park and (when I’m not in the middle of running a campaign) biking along the waterfront.

Q: With everything that has been going on locally and in our nation, how would you encourage people, especially in your district, to stay positive and to not give up?

I think about this question on a daily basis.  For me, the most relevant aspect of staying positive is to stay involved.  I encourage others to volunteer for a campaign.  That could include canvassing, donating, or simply sharing information on social media.  Most importantly, vote!  Two years ago, I could not have told you who my State Representative was.  Today, I sometimes worry that I’m too tuned in as it can be incredibly frustrating to see how some politicians govern on both a state and federal level.  I find that I often wonder if I should just leave the country, but I am making an intentional choice to fight for our democracy.  My part of that fight is to win this seat in the Kentucky House of Representatives.  As John Yarmuth frequently states, it is at the state level that we will reclaim our country.

For more information about Tina Bojanowski, please visit her website: www.tinaforkentucky.com/