
Candidate Spotlight: Tina Bojanowski - Democratic Candidate for State Representative District 32

Candidate Spotlight
Tina Bojanowski
Democratic Candidate for State Representative District 32

About Tina:

“Tina Bojanowski is a proud Mom of three children, including Brandon, who was diagnosed with autism at age two. Providing the medical care for Brandon was a tremendous struggle for Tina and her family. Today, while Brandon is thriving, Tina’s experience shaped her belief that the government and private sector must work together to ensure that everyone can access affordable health care. Tina Bojanowski is a certified special education teacher who works with students who have learning and behavioral disorders such as autism. A fierce advocate for her students and their families, she ensures parents have the information and resources they need to raise their kids.  She sits on the Board of Directors of the Jefferson County Teachers Association as well as on the Board of the National Alliance for Mental Illness Kentucky.  Her passion for advocacy has extended from the classroom into the community.”

Q: Why are you running?

I am running to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard and considered in Frankfort.  I’m gravely concerned about the impact of outside interests on our Commonwealth, as well as with the process being used to push through legislation without granting sufficient time for the public to consider the legislation – and not even allowing the legislators to read the legislation before being forced to vote on it!

Q: What is the most important topic/issue to you personally?

The most important topic for me personally is education.  I believe that a strong public education is the foundation of our society.  The issue that brought me to state-level politics is the emphasis on high-stakes standardized testing.  I envision a revamped Kentucky Education Reform Act to ensure that our children are offered the best education possible.  The main issue is that what is measured is what matters.  However, when we focus on test scores, we are not considering the whole child.  Our most at-risk students come to school with significant issues, including trauma, mental health issues, and the impact of living in poverty.  I plan to support research-based legislation to meet the needs of every child in our Commonwealth.

Q: What neighborhood do you live in? What are your favorite places or things to do in your town?

I have lived in District 32 for most of my life.  I grew up on Cardwell Way off of Taylorsville Rd. and I now live in St. Matthews.  I enjoy exercising in Brown Park and (when I’m not in the middle of running a campaign) biking along the waterfront.

Q: With everything that has been going on locally and in our nation, how would you encourage people, especially in your district, to stay positive and to not give up?

I think about this question on a daily basis.  For me, the most relevant aspect of staying positive is to stay involved.  I encourage others to volunteer for a campaign.  That could include canvassing, donating, or simply sharing information on social media.  Most importantly, vote!  Two years ago, I could not have told you who my State Representative was.  Today, I sometimes worry that I’m too tuned in as it can be incredibly frustrating to see how some politicians govern on both a state and federal level.  I find that I often wonder if I should just leave the country, but I am making an intentional choice to fight for our democracy.  My part of that fight is to win this seat in the Kentucky House of Representatives.  As John Yarmuth frequently states, it is at the state level that we will reclaim our country.

For more information about Tina Bojanowski, please visit her website:

1 comment:

  1. She's passionate about democracy and helping the disadvantaged. She's going to be a great representative!
