
Candidate Spotlight: Maria Sorolis - Democratic Candidate for State Representative District 48

Candidate Spotlight 
Maria Sorolis 
Democratic Candidate for State Representative District 48

About Maria:

Maria has lived in the 48th since 2004 and raised three children in the district, each of whom graduated from JCPS schools. 

After 22 years as a practicing attorney focused on employment law, Maria answered a calling to teach. While maintaining her law practice, Maria has worked part-time with recovery students at Kammerer Middle School, helping them develop the confidence, discipline and skills they need for success. 

Maria has served as a PTA president, an officer of the Kentucky PTA, and as a member of the Site Based Decision Making Council.  She is a graduate of Emerge Kentucky. She’s donated her time to Restorative Justice Louisville, Legal Aid and to the Kentucky, Florida, Georgia and District of Columbia Bar Associations, and has served as a Girl Scout leader, among other volunteer work. 

A graduate of Duke University and the University of Georgia School of Law, Maria is working toward her Master's Degree in Public Administration at the University of Louisville. 

Q: What is the most important topic/issue to you personally? 

The starting point for me is increased governmental transparency.  This is our government and too many of our elected representatives seem to have forgotten for whom they work and to whom they need to report  - and its not their big money donors, lobbyists and cronies.  We need expanded public records and public meeting laws with stronger teeth.

Q: What goals to you hope to accomplish either if you are elected?

We need increased focus and funding on genuine public education with smaller classes, less testing and comprehensive Pre-K.  A highly educated and creative workforce will attract jobs that pay living wages to our wonderful Commonwealth. We must modernize our tax code to  encourage entrepreneurship and small business and explore alternatives to generate increased revenue. Our infrastructure has been neglected for far too long and, especially in the 48th we see the way unmanaged growth can impact our quality of life.

Q: Why should Kentuckians vote for your over your opponent? 

I am an independent thinker with an interest in being an activist for a better Kentucky - not a rubber stamp for my party.  One of my opponent's first actions was to support legislation that would disenfranchise his constituents by filing a bill that would take away the right of Jefferson County residents to conduct a special election in the event the position of mayor was vacated midterm.  He was the primary speaker in favor of the tax bill passed in the 2018 the created a tax on services, lowered taxes on the top wage earners but raised taxes on middle class Kentuckians. 

Q: With everything that has been going on locally and in our nation, how would you encourage people, especially in your district, to stay positive and to not give up?  

We need to remember that no matter our differences most of us are more alike than different.  We need to get out of our "silos" and make an effort to meet and talk civilly with people who may view the world slightly differently than we do.  We will not move forward when we allow a spirit of fear, division and "otherness" to dominate our interactions.

If you would like to know more about Maria or help with her campaign, please visit her website or Facebook page.


Candidate Spotlight: Lisa Willner - Democratic Candidate for State Representative District 35

Candidate Spotlight
Lisa Willner
Democratic Candidate for State Representative District 35

About Lisa:

Lisa Willner is a graduate of Yale University and received her PhD in Psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology.

Lisa and her husband John Scruton have lived in the 35th House District for 24 years where together they have raised their two children, Ben and Eliza. They are members of First Unitarian Church, where Lisa formerly served as Director of Religious Education.

Lisa is a strong advocate for mental health issues and serves as the Executive Director of the Kentucky Psychology Association. Lisa is also a long-time faculty member in the Psychology Department at Bellarmine University.

In 2014, Lisa was elected to the Jefferson County School Board where she has been praised by educators, mental health professionals and her constituents for advocating for our public schools, and for her focus on mental health issues, advancing Fairness efforts, standing up for student voice and for greater labor/management collaboration. She was elected Vice Chair of the School Board and is known for her hard work, listening to all voices, and bringing board members together.

Lisa has been recognized by the Kentucky Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression for her work for racial justice, and has received awards from both the American Psychological Association and the Kentucky Psychological Association for her advocacy on behalf of psychology and mental health. She remains committed to standing up for all people.

Lisa was honored to win her primary election in May to become the Democratic nominee for Kentucky House District 35. Lisa is passionate about children’s rights, labor rights, human rights, environmental rights, women’s rights, Fairness, economic justice, and standing up for those who need a voice.

Lisa is committed to expanding economic opportunities and delivering positive change for the working people of the 35th District. 

Q: With everything that has been going on locally and in our nation, how would you encourage people, especially in your district, to stay positive and to not give up?  

These are anxious times for our nation and our state. There has never been a more important time for strong and steady progressive Democratic leadership.  We need to stay focused on turning out the vote this November, and to elect people who represent the values and the needs of the people they represent.  Here in the 35th district, we had the highest primary voter turnout in the county.  We need to continue to build on that grassroots movement in order to help increase Democratic performance up and down the ticket, not just this year, but in the years to come.   

Q: Why should Kentuckians vote for your over your opponent? 

I have a record of public service in the district, having represented the 6th school board district since 2015. In that role, I have championed our public schools and public school teachers, have stood firm against attacks on public education from a right wing governor and his administration, and have been an effective advocate on behalf of our most under-served students.  With 35th district State Rep Jim Wayne -- a licensed clinical social worker --  retiring, I would be the only licensed mental health professional in the entire Kentucky Legislature, and would bring an important perspective on policies affecting our most vulnerable Kentuckians.    

Q: In what areas do you think Kentucky has succeeded in the past, and where has it fallen short or failed? How can we do better? 

In 2013, 640,000 Kentuckians had no health care insurance coverage.  As the only southern state to adopt Medicaid expansion, that number dropped sharply and quickly as 505,000 Medicaid expansion members were insured, many of them for the very first time.  Kentucky was recognized nationally for the profound difference our progressive Medicaid policy made in the lives of so many hard working families.  The Bevin administration's rollback of Medicaid expansion, and its efforts to put in place illegal work requirements for Medicaid recipients had an immediate and devastating effect on many, many families. As a state with a notoriously poor public health record, we need to strenuously oppose the Governor's Medicaid waiver, and to accept federal Medicaid dollars in order to provide coverage to more of our hardworking families. We need to submit public comments, apply pressure on the current administration, and elect a progressive Democratic Governor in 2019.  

For more information on Lisa Willner and how to help her campaign, please visit her website or Facebook page.


Candidate Spotlight: Sheri Donahue - Democratic Candidate for State Senate District 36

Candidate Spotlight 
Sheri Donahue 
Democratic Candidate for State Senate District 36

About Sheri:

Sheri is an engineer and received her BS in Industrial Engineering from Purdue University in 1990. She currently serves on the Purdue Engineering Alumni Association Board of Directors. She has been an invited speaker for industry and technology groups on many topics as well as for undergraduate and graduate students on creative career planning.
She was most recently the Cyber Security Strategic Partnerships Director for Humana’s Enterprise Information Protection Department where she engaged with external partners and internal customers to improve Humana’s cyber security posture through accessing threat information and best practices from partners in many sectors besides just healthcare.
Prior to Humana, she was Program Manager for Security & Intelligence at Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head Division where she managed a $60M portfolio of Intelligence and Intelligence-related projects for Navy, DoD and other Intelligence agencies of the US Government fusing science and technology with Intelligence to provide knowledge solutions for the warfighter.

Currently, Sheri is pursuing her life-long dream of running for KY State Senate District 36, a
position where she hopes to bring her engineering skills and experience to bear in solving
problems for the people of Kentucky.

Q: Why are you running?

My life motto is “change the world”.  I have spent my life working to help others and to make the world a better place.  For over 19 years, I worked as a civilian engineer for the U.S. Navy on gun systems, ship-building programs and in intelligence.  I never forgot that my “customer” was each and every sailor aboard ship.  Additionally, I volunteered for a national non-profit for 12 years helping ensure the safety of our local, state and national critical infrastructures.  I believe that with the current situation our country and state are facing, it is now my duty to bring my experience, knowledge and talent to the table to help make the world a better place here in our Commonwealth.

Q: What is the most important topic/issue to you personally?

Broadly, my interest is in making life better for all Kentuckians.  To me, that means: providing a living wage; ensuring unions are able to protect workers’ rights; providing quality education in our public schools while ensuring our children are protected from gun violence; keeping our promises to our state employees and retirees by paying them the pensions they earned and were promised; helping our veterans, elderly and disabled by legalizing medical marijuana; ensuring access to affordable healthcare; and, providing comprehensive opioid treatment programs.

Q: What goals do you hope to accomplish either if you are elected?

My goals as a senator are to legalize medical marijuana, legalize gaming, ensure pensions are protected, stop the state takeover of JCPS, repeal the “right to work” law, and reinstate prevailing wage.

Q: Why should Kentuckians vote for you over your opponent?

My loyalty lies with the people of Kentucky.  I am not beholden to any outside political influence or party kingpin like my opponent is.

For more information on Sheri Donahue, visit her website: https://donahueforky.com/