
Candidate Spotlight: Sheri Donahue - Democratic Candidate for State Senate District 36

Candidate Spotlight 
Sheri Donahue 
Democratic Candidate for State Senate District 36

About Sheri:

Sheri is an engineer and received her BS in Industrial Engineering from Purdue University in 1990. She currently serves on the Purdue Engineering Alumni Association Board of Directors. She has been an invited speaker for industry and technology groups on many topics as well as for undergraduate and graduate students on creative career planning.
She was most recently the Cyber Security Strategic Partnerships Director for Humana’s Enterprise Information Protection Department where she engaged with external partners and internal customers to improve Humana’s cyber security posture through accessing threat information and best practices from partners in many sectors besides just healthcare.
Prior to Humana, she was Program Manager for Security & Intelligence at Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head Division where she managed a $60M portfolio of Intelligence and Intelligence-related projects for Navy, DoD and other Intelligence agencies of the US Government fusing science and technology with Intelligence to provide knowledge solutions for the warfighter.

Currently, Sheri is pursuing her life-long dream of running for KY State Senate District 36, a
position where she hopes to bring her engineering skills and experience to bear in solving
problems for the people of Kentucky.

Q: Why are you running?

My life motto is “change the world”.  I have spent my life working to help others and to make the world a better place.  For over 19 years, I worked as a civilian engineer for the U.S. Navy on gun systems, ship-building programs and in intelligence.  I never forgot that my “customer” was each and every sailor aboard ship.  Additionally, I volunteered for a national non-profit for 12 years helping ensure the safety of our local, state and national critical infrastructures.  I believe that with the current situation our country and state are facing, it is now my duty to bring my experience, knowledge and talent to the table to help make the world a better place here in our Commonwealth.

Q: What is the most important topic/issue to you personally?

Broadly, my interest is in making life better for all Kentuckians.  To me, that means: providing a living wage; ensuring unions are able to protect workers’ rights; providing quality education in our public schools while ensuring our children are protected from gun violence; keeping our promises to our state employees and retirees by paying them the pensions they earned and were promised; helping our veterans, elderly and disabled by legalizing medical marijuana; ensuring access to affordable healthcare; and, providing comprehensive opioid treatment programs.

Q: What goals do you hope to accomplish either if you are elected?

My goals as a senator are to legalize medical marijuana, legalize gaming, ensure pensions are protected, stop the state takeover of JCPS, repeal the “right to work” law, and reinstate prevailing wage.

Q: Why should Kentuckians vote for you over your opponent?

My loyalty lies with the people of Kentucky.  I am not beholden to any outside political influence or party kingpin like my opponent is.

For more information on Sheri Donahue, visit her website:

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