
TWW - Louisville Member Spotlight "LGBTQ" - Meet Brandy

Interviewed by Amy Merrick

"After the election I found myself in mourning, in shock that our country would elect someone who stood so steadfastly against our actual and intrinsic values. I allowed myself approximately 24 hours of sadness and disgust before I shifted into resolve -- resolve to do my part to make certain the fear-mongering ideology that helped get Trump elected would not only be defeated, but it called out by me at each instance and 
opportunity, wherever I observed it.  

"I have found that being honest with myself, with my shortcomings, with my own prejudices, with my own privileges has been my tool for eliciting change within myself. After all, is there a better place to start than with that person in the mirror?
In the past, I had always been a backseat participant in politics. This included watching my wife run for public office while supporting her from the sidelines and writing speeches for our political friends. I had no intention of being actively involved myself, but I am now pleased to say that I am a founding member and co-chair of the Floyd and Clark County Stonewall Democrats. Our group is the very first offshoot of the Indianapolis-based organization and I am proud to say that we are growing in support and membership and have had successful meetings involving everyone from members of our community to our senator, Joe Donnelly. 

"I believe diversity should mark every aspect of our lives, but it is of particular importance if we hope to be a species that evolves and grows and learns. My wife and I have a philosophy that we have an obligation to live our lives in a manner in which we promote and perpetuate the concepts of diversity.  Specifically, we do this by being an 'out' lesbian couple within our community.  We are both safe within our jobs, safe within our families, safe within our finances and safe within our housing situation. As a result of the safety that we are afforded, we feel that it is our direct responsibility to live our lives 'out' so as to eventually make it safer for those people for whom that choice is not yet a safe one. By repeatedly and consistently putting ourselves out there for everyone to see and become accustomed to and not afraid of (due to their own ignorance because, as we all know, ignorance breeds fear), we hopefully make ripples in the world to allow for the safety and diversity of all people."

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