
Safeguarding LGBTQIA Rights - Louisville area connections

Safeguarding LGBTQIA Rights
by Ellen Birkett Morris 

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It’s no secret that the current administrations in Washington and Frankfort are hostile to the rights of LGBTQIA citizens. On the first day of the Kentucky General Assembly two anti-LGBT bills were filed –a “License to Discriminate” House Bill 105 and anti-transgender “Bathroom Bill” House Bill 106.

HB 105 would strip the enforcement powers from local Fairness Ordinances passed in cities and counties across Kentucky. HB106 would outlaw transgender people from using any restroom or changing facility under the jurisdiction of the state that matches their gender identity.

This sort of discrimination creates a hostile atmosphere and creates a tacit approval for discrimination and harassment in schools, accommodations, restaurants and on the streets. Here are some of the ways you can get involved and stand up against hate.

  • Write to Your Legislator 
  • Share LGBTQ Stories on Your Facebook and Twitter Feed 
  • Reach Out to Members of the LGBTQ Community to Create a Positive Inclusive City 
  • Report Hate Crimes
  • March 
  • Volunteer 
  • Donate
For specifics on how take action, check out these organizations:

Human Rights Campaign fights for LGBTQ equality in Kentucky alongside state and local groups and lawmakers. Find out more about what HRC is doing for LGBTQ equality in Kentucky and how you can get involved with the local community.

Kentucky Equality Federation is Kentucky's largest all-volunteer grassroots lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex ("LGBTI") civil rights and advocacy organization for both social and political equality. We lead efforts for equality and fairness at the state level. 

The ACLU of Kentucky works towards a society in which all individuals enjoy the basic rights of equality, privacy and personal autonomy, and freedom of expression and association. This means an America where people can live openly without discrimination; where there is respect for our identities, relationships and families; and where there’s fair treatment in employment, schools, housing, public places, health care and government programs.
Pride Community Services Organization offer a range of programing (some multi-lingual) including youth, older adults, legal services, arts and culture, information/education, policy/civic engagement, training/community outreach, physical and mental health and anti-violence.

The Fairness Campaign is a broad-based community effort dedicated to equal rights. Its primary goal is comprehensive civil rights legislation prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. The Fairness Campaign accomplishes its goals through public education and advocacy, political activity, community building and reciprocal alliances with others in the social justice community.

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