
TWW Louisville Coffee Break Activism - August

Meet Tony The Democrat

A few months ago I heard about Tony the Democrat. Tony lives in Jon Ossoff’s district in Georgia, and wanted to start a postcard writing campaign in support of Democratic candidates running in the primary. Instead of only asking for local volunteers, he reached out to people all across the country for help getting out the vote. I wrote 100 postcards to Georgia voters and it felt great.
After the primary, Tony decided to help other Democrats around the country and expanded his operation immensely. His group, Postcards to Voters, has now written for candidates in Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arizona and more.  

It was difficult for me to watch so many Democrats come so close to winning their special elections, but ultimately lose. Then, after writing 40 postcards in support of Karen Gaddis of Oklahoma, I finally experienced the satisfaction of getting a win. It was an amazing feeling when she won her race by 95 votes!
Local Get Out the Vote efforts in Kentucky will be critical next year, but if you are itching to help Democrats right now, sign up to help write postcards to voters here:
And send an email to with the subject line “postcards” if you would like to join a postcard writing group!

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