
TWW Louisville July Meeting - Education

Gay Adelmann will present an overview of issues currently faced by Kentucky’s educational systems. She is co-founder of both Save Our Schools Kentucky” (SOSKY) and Dear JCPS” (DJCPS).  She will highlight how the two grass roots organizations are working together to realize their goals, and how you can get involved to make a difference.  

Additionally, Gay will discuss the book Dark Money and introduce an online weekly book discussion that will kick of after our monthly meeting. Dark Money outlines the story of the Koch brothers' creation of the funding of an interlocking array of organizations that have been working to influence and ultimately control academic institutions, think tanks, the courts, statehouses and Congress, Gay will discuss the book Dark Money and introduce an online weekly book discussion that will kick off after our monthly meeting. 


Both SOSKY and DJCPS were started in response to educational concerns and frustrations, as well as the current national movement to privatize the educational system and reduce available funding in support of charter schools.  While they both share very similar and complementary missions, each has a slightly different focus, with 
  • SOSKY focused on state level educational issues and direct interaction with state legislators and administrators
  • DJCPS focused on the Jefferson County School System and bring its stakeholders together in order to create positive solutions for all students
Both organizations have plans to help people in other areas of Kentucky to start their own local chapters similar to Dear JCPS. These chapters work on making change from the ground up, including being involved at the local school board level and exposing corruption, self-dealing and cronyism.

Save Our Schools Kentucky (SOSKY) is a grass roots pro-public education 
stakeholder advocacy group for the state of Kentucky.  

SOSKY is dedicated to raising awareness of impending actions and legislation that could impact KY public schools and is actively building a support system to protect KY public schools from the battle cry of defunding schools, standardized testing and punishment, increasing class sizes, closing schools, blaming teachers, and implementing a privatized education system to the benefit of billionaire capitalists.

SOSKY beliefs include:

  • Every child should have equitable access to a high-quality, publicly funded education
  • Publicly funded schools should be democratically controlled by and accountable to their local communities, and uphold the highest values of those communities
  • Publicly funded education must focus exclusively on our children’s growth and development, not on making profits or punishing communities

    In support of SOSKY’s belief system, the group has identified the following priorities requiring its focus:
    • Encourage legislators to restore public schools funding to pre-recession levels, and fully fund schools and programs so that all students can be successful
    • Prevent charter schools from taking funds away from already struggling public schools
    • Seek authentic assessments that help children achieve their potential, while reducing the the dependence and obsession on high-stakes testing
    • Stop vouchers and scholarship tax credits from taking money from the public school system and shifting resources to private and religious schools
    Learn more and follow Save Our Schools KY


    Dear JCPS’s (DJCPS) mission is to “Be Part of the Solution” and provide high-quality 
    and equitable public education opportunities for ALL STUDENTS.  

    The group employs methods such as:
    • Securing genuine Stakeholder Input from teachers, parents and students by participating in board meetings, posting open letters on the DJCPS website, conducting anonymous letter campaigns and email blasts, facilitating board members participation in “Shadow a Student” week, holding coffee talks and mixers, and developing safe forums for honest feedback without fear of retribution.
    • Ensuring a Fully Funded Public Education for ALL students within Jefferson County by opposing any actions that could divert resources, attention and support away from JCPS.  This includes actively monitoring public education funding and publicly funded charter schools legislation, pushing for legislation transparency and accountability, engaging and informing constituents about education legislation as well as how representative contact information, and diligently protecting resources budgeted for the most vulnerable populations within JCPS.
    • Reducing Emphasis on “High Stakes” Standardized Testing that has resulted in a resentful, non-collaborative environment that awards those who win the at a game and punishes other students and schools.  Instead, DJCPS strives to return educational emphasis to providing a portfolio of skills that students can successfully leverage into higher education opportunities, a more successful life, and a lifelong love of learning.  DJCPS works to achieve this goal by working with administrators and legislators and providing recommendations such as: eliminating high stakes testing in grades K through 2; limiting the amount of time spent testing within priority schools; and informing parents of the tests their students will take.   This approach is ultimately designed to educate and empower parents and students about the frequency and appropriateness of high stakes tests, as well as their rights, responsibilities and repercussions surrounding refusal of the tests.
    • Recognizing the need for and promoting Early Childhood Education.  DJCPS acknowledges that many issues within our schools today are a result of students not being adequately prepared to enter their age designated grade, and the educational and societal cost required to address this inadequacy.  DJCPS’s solution is to emphasize making sure students enter the school system prepared for kindergarten, and supports the district’s Vision 2020 statement.
    • Ensuring Accountability and Transparency through active communication between DJCPS, board members, and district leaders while attempting to resolve situations where accountability and transparency is less than desired.  DJCPS will additionally speak at board meetings or with media (TV, radio, website and social media) when reasonable expectations have not been met.
                                                   Learn more and follow Dear JCPS

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