
Coffee Break Activism - 3/29

Coffee Break Activism

by Naomi Penner

The Kentucky legislative session is not quite over yet! Legislators head back to Frankfort on Tuesday to work in preparation for the final legislative days on Wednesday and Thursday. Anything is possible to pass in those last two days, which is why we need YOU to contact Frankfort!

It's easy, the receptionists are wonderful, and it takes up to 5 minutes.

Call 1-800-372-7181 and make your voice heard!

1) To all Senators & all House Reps:
  • Support HB 156 (aid to Eastern KY)
  • Oppose HB 72 (developer’s dream bill)
2) To all Senators:
  • Oppose HB 315 (feeds the prison pipeline)
  •  Support SB 120 (criminal re-entry reform)
3) To Senate Judiciary Committee and all Senators:
  • Oppose HB 281 (strip AG of power)
4) To Senate Education Committee and all Senators:
  • Oppose HB 128 (bible course in schools)
  • Support HB 307 (improves learning for students with dyslexia)
  • Oppose HB 151 (neighborhood schools)
  • Support HB 145 (opioid abuse prevention course in schools)
5) To Senate Economic Development, Tourism, and Labor Committee and all Senators:
  • Oppose HB 296 (cuts benefits for injured workers)

*Need more info about these bills? Read about them 

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