
Meet TWW-LSI Member Sharon

Photo(s) courtesy of Valerie J. Smith
interviewed by Amy Merrick

After the election, I realized that I had to turn my frustration and anger into action and have dropped everything to get involved. I joined TWW-LSI in January because I know a few in the group but that wasn’t enough. I joined Indivisible and started going to every county meeting I could find in Shelbyville. In joining the group I have found something much bigger than myself, connecting with my community to save our democracy and keep us from the harm of the Trump agenda.

My top post-elections concerns are saving the Affordable Care Act and Trump's ties with Russia. I feel Trump is compromised by Russia and that endangers our national security. Trump's dismantling of our government structures concerns me as well because I feel it threatens our freedoms.

Diversity is the core in social movements like ours. It enriches people’s lives and everyone is affected by what is happening right now. So, being involved locally, bringing as many as possible to the table and working to educate people about issues are vital to stopping the attacks on our democracy. In addition I have found phone calls, protests and post cards to be the most effective tools in bringing about change. I’m also on the board of Together We Will, set up the Twitter account and am co-founder of Indivisible Shelbyville.

Some days I feel like I could give up then my husband or my son or mom tells me how proud they are of my efforts. In order to manage my stress, I am staying calm, staying focused and taking care of my health.   

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