
Coffee Break Activism 3-14-17

Coffee Break Activismby Naomi Penner 

This week is critical for the Kentucky state bills. We've won one - HB151 was voted down! But we've also suffered some disheartening setbacks. 

Make your voice heard in Frankfort. Call 1-800-372-7181
  1. To Senate Education Committee & all Senators:
    Oppose HB 520 (charter schools bill)
  2. Senate Economic Development, Tourism, & Labor:
    Oppose HB 296 (would reduce expenses paid by KY workers’ compensation)
  3. Senate Judiciary:
    Oppose HB 281 (would strip Attorney General of power and give to Governor)
  4. To your House Rep:
    • Oppose HB 82 (less transparency in money spent and received for a campaign)Oppose SB 75 (would double amount donors can contribute)
    • Oppose SB 11 (nuclear waste would be stored rather than disposed)
    • Support HB 258 (would extend time for absentee ballot for voter with disabilities)
    • Support SB 120 (criminal justice reform)
  5. Tell your Senator:
    • Oppose HB 128 (bible course in schools)
    • Oppose HB 246 (repeal plastic bag ban for waste management)
    • Oppose HB 315 (“feed the prison system” bill)
    • Support HB 307 (would require public schools to screen students for dyslexia)
Let the Governor know where you stand. Call 502-564-2611 and ask for the Governor's Constituent Services department. 
  1. Tell Bevin to veto:
    • HB 14 (blue lives matter bill)
    • SB 8 (defund Planned Parenthood)
    • SB 17 (student religious freedom bill)
    • HB 72 (developers dream bill)
  2. Write to Bevin: The Honorable Matt Bevin, State Capitol, 700 Capital Avenue, Frankfort, KY 402601
    • "Please veto SB 8. It could jeopardize the health of women and men who rely on places like Planned Parenthood, which provide vital health services like cancer screenings, HIV testings, and breast exams."
    • "Please veto misguided HB 14. It does nothing to make our first responders safer and will only further divide police and communities of color."
    • “Please veto HB 72. This bill is in clear favor of developers, hurting neighborhoods and communities. As a Kentuckian, I stand for protecting my neighbors, not developers."
    • “Please veto SB 17. This bill just reinstates existing protections by the US and KY Constitutions, going beyond protecting student's already secured by First Amendment rights. I fear this bill would make it ok for students to discriminate against other students, particularly against LGBTQ students. This bill does more harm than good."

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